Take Action


Data analysis and literature review to better understand past medical/clinical research and present health-related issues faced by AAPI community members. And then we aamplify these findings to advocate for resources and effective solutions.


We push for the inclusion of AAPI in medical research and distribution of resources to improve AAPI community health. Our goal is to remove systematic racism that hinders AAPIs from being represented in medical research and accessing the healthcare system.

Narrative Change

We support creative projects that illuminate the complexity of health-related issues and disparities within the AAPI community. We work on shifting attitudes in the medical field and general public to acknowledge health challenges and disparities among AAPI subgroups and fostering inter- and intra-group solidarity to achieve equity for all.


Community Building

All forms of engagement and participation are done remotely. Together, we can build a strong network of culturally-competent scholars, activists, and creators across AAPI communities in the country to drive change where they are. Besides project planning and development, we also offer group bonding opportunities like weekly get-together hours over zoom to connect everyone regardless of your geographic location.